Web Programming - BSC IT PRACTICALS

Web Programming

About Web Programming :
Web programming can be briefly categorized into client and server coding. The client side needs programming related to accessing data from users and providing information. It also needs to ensure there are enough plug ins to enrich user experience in a graphic user interface, including security measures.
1.    To improve user experience and related functionalities on the client side, JavaScript is usually used. It is an excellent client-side platform for designing and implementing Web applications.
2.    HTML5 and CSS3 supports most of the client-side functionality provided by other application frameworks.

The server side needs programming mostly related to data retrieval, security 
and performance. Some of the tools used here include ASP, Lotus Notes, PHP, 
Java and MySQL. There are certain tools/platforms that aid in both client- and 
server-side programming. Some examples of these are Opa and Tersus.

Syllabus :

List Of Practicals
1.  Use of Basic Tags
a.  Design a web page using different text formatting tags.
b.  Design a web page with links to different pages and allow navigation between web pages.
c.  Design a web page demonstrating all Style sheet types
2.  Image maps, Tables, Forms and Media
a.  Design a web page with Imagemaps.
b.  Design a web page demonstrating different semantics
c.  Design a web page with different tables. Design a webpages using table so that the content appears well placed.
d.  Design a web page with a form that uses all types of controls.
e.  Design a web page embedding with multimedia features.
3.  Java Script
a.  Using JavaScript design, a web page that prints factorial/Fibonacci series/any given series.
b.  Design a form and validate all the controls placed on the form using Java Script.
c.  Write a JavaScript program to display all the prime numbers between 1 and 100.
a.  Write a JavaScript program to accept a number from the user and display the sum of its digits.
d.  Write a program in JavaScript to accept a sentence from the user and display the number of words in it. (Do not use split () function).
e.  Write a java script program to design simple calculator.
4.  Control and looping statements and Java Script references
a.  Design a web page demonstrating different conditional statements.
b.  Design a web page demonstrating different looping statements.
c.  Design a web page demonstrating different Core JavaScript references (Array, Boolean, Date, Function, Math, Number, Object, String, regExp).
5.  Basic PHP I
a.  Write a PHP Program to accept a number from the user and print it factorial.
b.  Write a PHP program to accept a number from the user and print whether it is prime or not.
6.  Basic PHP II
a.  Write a PHP code to find the greater of
2 numbers. Accept the no. from the user.
b.  Write a PHP program to display the following Binary Pyramid:
0   1
1   0   1
0   1   0   1
7.  String Functions and arrays
a.  Write a PHP program to demonstrate different string functions.
b.  Write a PHP program to create one dimensional array.
8.  PHP and Database
a.  Write a PHP code to create:
  1.            Create a database College
  2.               Create a table Department (Dname, Dno, Number_Of_faculty)
b.  Write a PHP program to create a database named “College”. Create a table named “Student” with following fields (sno, sname, percentage). Insert 3 records of your choice. Display the names of the students whose percentage is between 35 to 75 in a tabular format.
c.  Design a PHP page for authenticating a user.
9.  Email
a.  Write a program to send email with attachment.
10.  Sessions and Cookies
a.  Write a program to demonstrate use of sessions and cookies.



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